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 정렬방법 : 등록일순 조회순 
“Fed Full By the Holy Spirit” : The First 2017 Minister’s Summer Conference on Redemptive History
Day 1: August 7th, Monday Fed Full By the Holy SpiritOn the first day of the Minister’s Summer Conference, the ministers that loved the Word fervently started to gather, even as the day’s temperat…
2017 SUMMER CONFERENCE : Yeoju is the “source of water” for the History of Redemption.
2017 SUMMER CONFERENCEYeoju is the “source of water” for the History of Redemption.In 2007, the first book of the History of Redemption series, The Genesis Genealogies, was released and celebrated…
Re:2017 NY Conference The Youths’ 4 Day Journey Towards the Truth of Redemptive History
Re:2017 NY ConferenceThe Youths’ 4 Day Journey Towards the Truth of Redemptive HistoryAmidst the burning prayers of churches worldwide, the first HORA* Conference was held at New York Evergreen Chur…
Beware and Be on Your Guard Against Every Form of Greed
Beware and Be on Your Guard Against Every Form of GreedLuke 12:13-21Among the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, only the gospel of Luke records the “parable of the rich fool” that Jesu…
“I shall be the woman of Sychar for the One Stone” - Interview with Evangelist Soon Boon Hong
“I shall be the woman of Sychar for the One Stone” -Interview with Evangelist Soon Boon Hong In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Huisun Rev. Abraham Park’s ministry and the 10th ann…
PROCLAIM 2017: A Global Conference for Preachers of Redemptive History
PROCLAIM 2017: A Global Conference for Preachers of Redemptive History All Churches of the World, “Let us Return to the Bible!”Proclaim 2017: A Global Conference for Preachers of Redemptive Histor…
The Impossible Dream Comes True : All Nations Come Dancing to Yeoju
In 1958, founding pastor Rev. Abraham Park received his calling into ministry. At the start of his ministry during this most poverty-stricken time in Korean history, nobody would have been able to fat…
Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation Following the Footsteps of the Protestant ReformationOn October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-five Theses on the door of th…
Absolute Thanksgiving with an Empty Heart
Absolute Thanksgiving with an Empty HeartJob 1:6-12Job from today’s scripture reading is a person who emptied his heart, just like an empty can. He did not seek for rights or compensation, but empti…
With Strength in the Work of the Lord
With Strength in the Work of the LordEphesians 3:16-19, Colossians 1:24-29The body must be healthy in order to do God’s work. When your body is weak, everything is difficult. You get caught up in yo…
Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (2)
Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protestant ReformationFollowing the Footsteps ofthe Protestant Reformation (2)On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-five Theses on the door of …
All Reforms are Only through the Word of God
All Reforms are Only through the Word of GodGenesis 1:1, John 1:1-5No resolutions for individuals, families or businesses can be achieved if it is not for the Word of God. However, everything can be r…
A Mother and Her Son
It was one fine spring day. In the peaceful evening sunlight, I was playing soccer with my first grader son in the park. When I was catching my breath, my cell phone rang. It was from the editorin-chi…
Clinging tightly onto God and going a little beyond to pray
Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:44 All those who have been called to the 2014 Yeoju Summer Conference are truly blessed in spite of what others may say. That is because God called us as a people for His own…
A Lesson from Jerusalem’s Golden Lampstand
Every nation has a building or sculpture that represents that nation: the Statue of Liberty in America, the Eiffel Tower in France, and the Coliseum in Italy, etc. If the Jewish people were ask…
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PROCLAIM 2017: A Global Conference for Preachers o…

All Reforms are Only through the Word of God

Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protesta…

Absolute Thanksgiving with an Empty Heart

Special Feature: 500th Anniversary of the Protesta…

With Strength in the Work of the Lord

The Impossible Dream Comes True : All Nations Come…

2017 SUMMER CONFERENCE : Yeoju is the “source of…

“Fed Full By the Holy Spirit” : The First 2017…

Re:2017 NY Conference The Youths’ 4 Day Journey …

Beware and Be on Your Guard Against Every Form of …

“I shall be the woman of Sychar for the One Ston…